Friday 14 October 2011

Pods for breakfast

I've been working on the pods again. I've got 3/9 done so far. But I'm stuck in the middle... I don't know what it is I should do. Treat it as a mantle and decorate it? Leave it empty as a statement? Ha! Who am I kidding? That thing will fill up with bits and bobs by the end of today if I don't put something specific into it!

So, what do I do, when I don't know what to do? I eat. Yep. Luckily, I usually pretend to know what I'm doing so I can avoid noshing at all hours, but it's true, I do. Also lucky that I decided on this conundrum in the morning, when the house is empty, and it's my breakfast time.

Ooohhh... look at me. So healthy. It's actually quite tasty though. Bought it on sale, and I had a coupon, so it came out to less than $2. I DO NOT like the brown sugar variety. Truly gross. And while that bowl looks quite massive, I promise you, it's just the spoon that's super tiny. :)

So here is the latest cleaned out pod. You will pardon the lack of "before" pic. Honestly, it was just too pathetic. Just picture a tumbling out pile of papers, toys, books etc. that attacked you every time you opened the door, and sometimes when you just tried to sneak by. But behold, what now it...holds.

Yay! It's now our library/word game/borrowed film pod! [It all kinda goes together, right?] I was looking for more baskets around the house, but I guess I tapped out on the last search, so instead I found two cardboard boxes that will do the job. I wish they both fit on the same shelf, but it's okay like this too. I think I'll cover the boxes in pretty paper "one day". 

Top box is to keep our "library bag", cards and any items that need to be returned. The bottom box is for items borrowed from the library that we are not done with. Why do we need these boxes, you ask? We are major library addicts users goers members? [WHAT is the word I'm looking for?!] We go at least once a week, but more often you will find one of us there 3-4 times a week. Who can't love their library? Squillions of books, just waiting to read, billions of dvds waiting to watched, millions of audiobooks longing to be heard, thousands of magazines you don't need a subscription for, dozens of quiet hiding places to sit and read, socialization and entertainment for the kids. Forget everything else, the library is THE place to be. And it's free! Come on, I'm hard-pressed to find a decent reason to buy a book. However, I digress. To corral all our library items, this is the system I've devised, which beats our old system of checking under the sofa in a mad rush for anything to be returned. 

On the bottom shelf I've also added a blue bin to hold dvds that we borrow from friends. And on the top shelf are also some of our unboxed word games that don't fit into the game pod. (More on that pod, at a later date.)

This is the empty pod: 

So lonely. Desolate even. What can I stick in there? Any ideas?

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